Understanding the Politics of Food Regulation and Public Health: An Analysis of Codex Standard-Setting Processes on Food Labelling
Sep 26, 2024

The importance of the international food regulatory system to global health, is often overlooked. There are calls to reform this system to promote healthy and sustainable food systems centred on the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex), the United Nation’s standard-setting body. Yet this presents a significant political challenge, given Codex has historically prioritized food safety risks over wider harms to public health, and is dominated by powerful food exporting nations and industry groups with a primary interest in trade expansion. To better understand this challenge, we examine who participates and contests Codex standards, using the development of new Guidelines on Front-of-pack Nutrition Labelling (FOPNL) as a case study.
Author(s): Boatwright, M., Lawrence, M., Carriedo, A., Slater, S., McCoy, D., Northcott, T., Baker, P. S.
Published in: International Journal of Health Policy and Management