(i) Business License
A locally registered partner with a corresponding business license is necessary in order to register a health functional food; this demands the local entity is eligible for a business license, it complies to national standards and it notifies the intended activities to the local district (“Gu”, Article 4-13 Health Functional Food Act).
(ii) Type of registration
Any person wishing to import health functional foods, needs to file a declaration with the Korea Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (Article 8 Health Functional Food Act). A distinction is made for products containing substances included in the positive list [the Health Functional Food Code] - subject to simple notification - and substances which have not been approved which are subject to registration.
(iii)Approval of functional ingredients
The approval of new functional ingredients is further elaborated upon in the Regulation on Approval of Functional Ingredient for Health Functional Food.
Article 4 of the Regulation requires (i) that the food complies with the Health Functional Food Act, and (ii) that the safety and functionality shall be ensured and scientifically proven.
The applicant should complete the provided form together with the following files:
- Two copies of the required documentation [See following subsection ´Documentation´] (including original copy)
- A CD containing the documentation
- A sample of the product or test product and the standard of function component (or marker compound)
- Written result of examination issued by a domestic [Korean] health functional food examination laboratory
(iv) Documentation
Only in the case of new functional foods/substances, data needs to be submitted. Article 12 of the Regulation on Approval of Functional Ingredient for Health Functional Food lists to following documents to be submitted:
- Executive summary of all submitted documents
- Origin information: developing history, current history of approval and use in domestic or foreign countries, etc..
- Manufacturing methods and related data
- Characteristics of the ingredients
- Specification functional component (or marker compound) and data on test method
- Specification on hazardous substances and related data for test method
- Safety
- Functionality contents and related data
- Consumption amount, consumption method, warning notice for consumption and related data for such establishment
- Confirmation data that the ingredients are not identical with or similar to medicine
A detailed description per aspect of required documentation can be found under article 13 of the Regulation.
The Regulation also establishes the formal requirements that the documents are marked with a table of contents, index number, and document number according to their sequence per section. In case one of the required documents cannot be provided, the reasons should be stated and included in the relevant section.
An original copy and executive summary shall be submitted together with a Korean translation of the documents. However, the latter requirement does not apply if the documents are in English. The provided documents will be treated confidentially.
(v) Outcome and time-line
The procedure for approval of a functional ingredients will take 120 days from receival of the application. The FDA may however request additional information in which case a supplementary period will be determined. In case the product cannot be approved or no additional documentation is submitted, the reasons for denial will be stated and the dossier will be returned to the applicant (articles 6-10 of the Regulation on Approval of Functional Ingredient for Health Functional Food).
If approved, the Commissioner of the FDA will issue a ´Certificate of Functional Ingredient for Health Functional Food´. The certificate can provide for an exclusive use of the substance (´data protection´) for a period of 5 year.
(vi) Modifications
The contents of the Certificate may be amended through an ´Application of Modification on Certificate of Functional Ingredient for Health Functional Food´.