The labelling of dietary supplements in Ukraine is regulated by Order № 2639-VIII of 2019, about food information for consumers.
Mandatory labelling requirements must be in Ukrainian and include:
(i) Product name and product type (“dietary supplement” (дієтична добавка));
(ii) Manufacturer's trademark (if it is not a registered trademark, transliteration of the trademark is required);
(iii) List of ingredients, including food additives in descending order of weight or percentage. It is allowed to indicate the auxiliary ingredients separately in descending order of weight or percentage (per dosage or per 100 g or ml). The list of ingredients should be preceded by the name "Composition/Cклад";
(iv) Weight or volume of the packaging and weight or volume of a product unit;
(v) Recommendations for use;
(vi) Nutritional composition (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and energy value per 100 g of product;
(vii) Posology and suggested daily dosage;
(viii) Storage conditions;
(ix) Net weight of 1 tablet/capsule or dosage;
(x) Shelf life, expressed by "expiration date (hours, days, months or years)" or "expiration (hours, days, months or years)”;
(xi) Contraindications and warnings (for certain types of diseases) and side effects (if necessary);
(xii) Storage instructions. In particular, the labelling of dietary supplements should include that the product should be stored in a place inaccessible to children;
(xiii) Name of the manufacturer and his legal address and phone number to receive calls from consumers. For imported products, the country of origin and the name, address and phone number of the importer in Ukraine should also be indicated;
(xiv) Barcode;
(xv) Names of mandatory normative or technical documentation (only for domestic production);
(xvi) The statements:
- “This is not a medicinal product.”
- “Dietary supplements are not a replacement for a nutritionally complete and balanced diet.”
- “Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage.”
- “Consult a doctor before use.”
(xvii) Information about the presence of GMO.