Advantages of harmonised front-of-pack nutrition labelling for stakeholders
European Union
Oct 30, 2023

The adoption of a harmonised front-of-pack nutrition labelling (FoPNL) scheme has significant advantages from at least four perspectives. From the perspective of consumers, effective FoPNL can help inform them on the nutritional composition of the food they purchase and consume. From the perspective of economic operators, a harmonised FoPNL scheme results in a level playing field, increased legal certainty and reduced labelling costs. From the perspective of Member States, a mandatory, EU-wide scheme will contribute to policies intended to reduce the prevalence of obesity and diet-related diseases, and will facilitate compliance with the commitments they have made at international level to promote healthier food environments. From the perspective of the EU itself, a harmonised FoPNL scheme will promote the proper functioning of the internal market in line with the EU's mandate to ensure a high level of consumer and health protection in all its policies.
Author(s): Garde, A.
Published in: European Journal of Public Health