Australia - Compliance of pre-packaged food products imported from Asian countries, and sold in Western Australia, with the Australian and New Zealand food standards code
Sep 26, 2023

The need for appropriate and accurate labelling of pre-packaged foods is essential for the health and well-being of consumers. In spite of a range of enforcement checks on imported food, non-compliant foods still reach the shelves of retail food businesses. The aim of this research was to determine the prevalence of non-compliance labelling of imported pre[1]packaged foods from Asian countries sold in Western Australia and to identify the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of employees, in these food businesses regarding food labelling.
Environmental Health Officers (EHO) from three participating Local Government Authorities (LGA) located within the Perth Metropolitan area conducted food sampling. Fifty nine pre[1]packaged food products (sauce, paste, noodle, baked product) from Asian grocery stores, were analysed for the presence of egg, gluten, milk, peanut and soy and the labels of sampled products were audited against the requirements of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (FSC) and allergen declarations on labels. A survey of 30 owners/employees of Asian grocery stores was conducted to ascertain their knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of food labels and their value and importance.
Author(s): Paewai, E. J.
Published in: Edith Cowan University