USA - Food Labels
Jun 07, 2022

All packaged foods carry mandatory labeling. Food labeling legislation has undergone rapid changes over the past few decades. This chapter covers the subject of food labeling under seven sections; 1. Introduction, background of food labeling legislation, definition of the food label & labeling, why food labeling, industry guide for food labeling. 2. Labeling requirements, general principles, standard of identity for food, misbranding of food, ingredients list, other labeling items, vending machine food labeling, below standard fill. 3. Specific requirements, spices, flavorings, colorings and preservatives; Juices and concentrates. 4. Food allergens, food allergens labeling & consumer protection act, applicability of allergen labeling, exemptions from allergen labeling, precautionary food allergen labeling. 5. Nutrition labeling, characteristics of nutrition labeling, revised nutrition labeling requirements, requirements for nutrition labeling, nutrition declaration, exemptions and exceptions from nutrition labeling, menu calorie labeling. 6. Nutrient content claims, the gist of a nutrient content claim, approved nutrient content claims, statements of declaration. 7. Health claims, general health claim requirements, examples of current health claims, qualified health claims, organic food labeling, gluten free labeling, front of pack labeling, conclusions.