Commission decides to register new European citizen initiatives that include food labeling
European Union
Jul 25, 2024
The European Commission decided to register one European Citizens' Initiatives, entitled ‘Stop Fake Food: Origin on Label'.
The organisers of the ‘Stop Fake Food: Origin on Label' initiative call for the Commission to propose measures that ensure European consumers have access to transparent information about the food they buy and that their expectations regarding food quality and sustainability are met. The initiative also calls for ensuring clear and explicit labeling of the origin for all products and for adherence to consistent environmental, health and labour standards in the internal market.
The decision to register an initiative is based on a legal analysis of its admissibility under the European Citizens' Initiative Regulation. It does not prejudge the legal and political conclusions of the Commission on these initiatives and the action it would take, if any, in case any of these initiatives obtains the necessary support of at least one million EU citizens.
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