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New rules for the labeling of meat products will come into force on April 7

Eurasian Economic Commission

Mar 11, 2024

The Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission has approved the procedure for introducing changes to the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of meat and meat products" (TR CU 034/2013).

These changes, adopted by the EEC Council in September last year and coming into force on April 7, 2024, concern the clarification of the nutritional information indicated on the labeling of slaughter products and meat products, which are characterized by a natural heterogeneity of proteins and fat content difficult to standardize. The changes provide for the following permissible limits of deviation from the actual values of nutrient content: protein - at least 80% of the value indicated on the labeling; fats, carbohydrates - not more than 120%. The energy value of the above products must also not exceed 120% of the value indicated on the label.

For further information (in Russian), click on the Link

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