Ends of the transition period for new rules on Nutrition Labeling
Dec 11, 2023
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has published a notice to remind the industry that on December 14, 2023 ends the transition period for the 2016 nutrition labelling amendments.
The implementation plan for the regulatory amendments included:
- A 5 year transition period to meet the new labelling requirements (ended December 14, 2021);
- 1 year where the CFIA focused its efforts on education and compliance promotion, to help Industry cope with the challenges imposed by COVID-19 (ended December 14, 2022);
- 1 year where the CFIA applied enforcement discretion in cases of non-compliance, if regulated parties had a detailed plan showing how they intend to comply by December 14, 2023 (ends December 14, 2023).
For further information (in English), click on the Link