Rules on front-of-pack nutrition labelling
Sep 26, 2022
By Joint Resolution 7/2022, the Secretariat of Health Quality and the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries will incorporate into the Food Code, the rules on front-of-pack nutrition labelling by articles:
Article 1°.- Article 225 shall be incorporated in Chapter V STANDARDS FOR FOOD LABELLING AND ADVERTISING of the FAC, which shall be worded as follows: "Article 225: Analcoholic foods and beverages packaged in the absence of the client or customer, which must carry nutritional information shall declare the content of total sugars and added sugars in the nutritional labeling. The declaration of total and added sugars shall be made on the nutrition labeling immediately after the declaration of carbohydrates.
Article 2°. - Article 226 is hereby incorporated to Chapter V STANDARDS FOR FOOD LABELLING AND ADVERTISING of the FAC, which shall be worded as follows: "Article 226: The declaration of the front nutritional labeling is mandatory in those foods and non-alcoholic beverages packaged in the absence of the client or customer to which sugars, sodium, fats or ingredients containing them have been added in their elaboration process, when in their final composition the amounts of added sugars, saturated fats, total fats, sodium and/or energy are equal or higher than the limits and conditions defined in the present article. Likewise, those foods containing sweeteners and/or caffeine must declare the cautionary legend in accordance with the provisions of this article.
Also incorporated:
- The definitions
- Maximum values of critical nutrients.
- Models of warning labels
- Prohibitions.
For further information (in Spanish), click on the Link