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Announces flexibility in the implementation of the measures adopted on nutrition labeling


May 31, 2021

The aim of this addendum is to inform WTO Members of enforcement flexibility for the adopted measures notified in G/TBT/N/CAN/451/Add.1 (dated 6 January 2017) as the Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (Nutrition Labelling, Other Labelling Provisions and Food Colours).

With respect to the new regulations published on 14 December 2016, a five year transition period was established for industry to meet the new requirements. Companies may apply either the former regulations or the new regulations during this time. The transition period for the 2016 nutrition labelling changes is currently set to end on 14 December 2021. However, given the challenges imposed by COVID-19, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) will focus its efforts on education and compliance promotion for the first year, until 14 December 2022. As of 15 December 2022, CFIA will verify compliance and apply enforcement discretion in cases where non-compliant companies have detailed plans showing how they intend to meet the new requirements at the earliest possible time.

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