EU - Regulatory Aspects and Correct Labeling of Coffee By-Products on the EU Food Market
European Union
Sep 13, 2023

In addition to the well-known coffee bean, many other parts of the coffee plant can be used as food. These materials have been traditionally used in some coffee-producing countries but were not known in the European Union (EU) before 1997, and are therefore classified as novel in the EU and require approval before being placed on the market. Authorization of novel foods is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Article 10 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283. For certain categories, such as plant products, there is also the possibility of a simplified notification as a “traditional food from a third country” according to Articles 14 and 15 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 if the product has a "history of safe food use" in a country outside the EU. Currently, only infusions of coffee leaves and cherry pulp and the dried cherry pulp as such (also known as cascara (“husk”)) are permitted in the EU as traditional foods from third countries for certain categories. When using authorized novel foods, the general legal requirements for food as well as the specific requirements of Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 (the so-called Union list) must be observed. The mandatory labeling elements according to the Food Information Regulation (Regulation (EU) 1169/2011) include the name of the food, the list of ingredients, the net quantity, the name and address of the food business operator, the date of minimum durability, the instructions for use, and the nutrition declaration. In addition, the Union list specifies certain labeling elements, such as the legally defined name of the authorized novel food such as “coffee cherry pulp”, “cascara (coffee cherry pulp)”, or “infusion from coffee leaves” and the categories of use, which must also be complied with.
Author(s): Ann-Kathrin, Kull., Rajcic de Rezende, T and Lachenmeier, D.W
Published in: Proceedings