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Manufacturers and importers prepare to meet new EOS food standards
Oct 23, 2024
The Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality (EOS) has published Ministerial Decree No. 447/2024 (2 pagesin Arabic) gives the producers and importers a six - month transitional period to abide by the following rules:
- Egyptian Standard ES 465 - 3 "cocoa and its products part: 3 chocolate" (partial amendment in 1 page in Arabic). Worth mentioning that this standard (partial amendment in 1 page in Arabic) includes the cancellation ofitem No. 5/2/3. Link
- Egyptian Standard ES 7650 for "General standard for fruit juices and nectars". Link
- Egyptian Standard ES 1819 -1 for "bouillons and consommés and methods of analysis part 1: meat and poultry bouillon". Link
- Egyptian Standard ES 1471 for "edible tallow for used in food industries". Link
- Egyptian Standard ES 889 -1 for "frozen fish part: 1 -quick frozen finfish un-eviscerated and eviscerated". Link
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