Draft Amendment to the Technical Standard on sanitary certification and GMP registration of plants producing food for special dietary needs
Nov 29, 2023
The National Agency of Regulation, Control and Sanitary Surveillance (ARCSA in Spanish) has published a draft partial reform of the Technical sanitary regulation for obtaining the certificate of sanitary notification and the registration of manufacturing plants under GMP producing food for special dietary needs.
The technical regulation establishes the sanitary conditions and requirements that manufacturing as well as preparation, packaging, trasport and commercialization of products for special dietary needs must follow. It also establishes the requirements to obtaion a sanitary certificate or certification that GMP are followed (Resolución ARCSA-DE-2021-008-AKRG Published in Official Gazette No. 546 of September 27, 2021)
The proposal is open for comments until December 18, 2023.
For further information (in Spanish), click on the Link
Check the full text of the document (in Spanish) on the following Link and the text of the original Regulation on the following Link