Extended deadline for depletion of labels not complying with new labeling standards
Oct 13, 2023
The National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA in Portuguese) has published the "Resolution (RDC) 819/2023", which specifically amends the "Resolution (RDC) 429/2020", allowing packaging and labeling stock purchased by October 8, 2023, to be used until October 9, 2024.
The Agency's decision has considered, above all, the impacts of the pandemic on the food sector, including imbalances in the logistics supply chain, as well as the variation in the purchasing power of Brazilians and the consequent impact on products consumption.
It is important to note that all packaging purchases made after October 9, 2023 must comply with the provisions of RDC 429/2020 and Normative Instruction (IN) 75/2020.
For further information (in Portuguese), click on the Link
Check the full text of the document (in Portuguese), click on the Link