MAPA publishes new cream cheese rules
May 03, 2023
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA in Portuguese) published Ordinance SDA N° 791/2023 that modifies Normative Instruction SDA/MAPA N° 71/2020, which approves the Technical Regulation that establishes the identity and quality requirements to be met by cream cheese.
Article 1. Normative Instruction SDA/MAPA No. 71, July 24, 2020, enters into force with the following changes:
"Article 2. For the purposes of this Technical Regulation, cream cheese or creamcheese is the product obtained from pasteurized milk, optionally with the addition of dairy derivatives and food substances provided for in this Regulation, subjected to fermentation or direct acidification, heating, homogenization and refrigeration, it may contemplate other technologically appropriate stages.
For further information (in Portuguese), click on the Link