Generic standards for plant-based beverages published
Mar 29, 2023
The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart in Russian) published a new state standard "General Technical Conditions for Vegetable-based Beverages (from grains, nuts, coconuts)" of the Russian Federation GOST R 70650-2023.
GOST R 70650-2023 applies to plant-based beverages made from grains (cereals, pulses, oilseeds and other crops), nuts, coconut and (or) their products, with the addition of drinking water, with or without the addition of other food ingredients that have undergone heat treatment and placed in hermetically sealed consumer containers, intended for direct consumption.
The standard establishes the classification of beverages of vegetable origin, their general organoleptic and physicochemical parameters, the requirements for the raw materials used to manufacture the beverages, packaging and labeling, and a list of product control methods.
For further information (in Russian), click on the Link