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Regional Workshop for the popularization of Codex Alimentarius work in CCLAC countries 2020-2022


Aug 23, 2022

The Codex Coordinating Committee for Latin America and Caribbean (CCLAC) has concluded its "Regional Workshop for the popularization of Codex Alimentarius work in CCLAC countries 2020-2022". The purpose of the workshop was for the different countries of the region, to share experiences and activities related to Codex work, such as meetings attended, events held and the different areas of interest in which they are working. Similarly, the workshop extended messages about the importance of countries’ participation not only in regional matters but also in work carried out in coordination with the Codex Secretariat.

CCLAC suopports the work of Codex in favour of consumer health, fair practices in food trade and the deverlopment of the people in the region


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