Amendments to the Food Code on coffee
Aug 08, 2022
The Secretariat of Health Quality and Secretariat of Food, Bioeconomics and Regional Development published Joint Resolution 4/2022 that approves a series of amendments to the Argentine Food Code (CAA in Spanish) in order to allow the use of flavoring/flavorings other than coffee flavor/flavor in products called Soluble Coffee, Instant Coffee, Coffee Powder Extract and Coffee Powder Concentrate.
Also, a review of the relevance of contemplating the addition of flavoring/flavorings in the products described in articles 1.165, 1.166, 1.174 bis, 1.170, 1.171, 1.174 and 1.175 of the Argentine Food Code (CAA), referring to other types of coffee, was carried out.
For further information (in Spanish), click on the Link