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Mar 04, 2020

A new GB 19630 for organic food in force since January 1, 2020.
Food products, no matter domestic or imported, to label â€œæœ‰æœºâ€ before product name, Organic in English, the product needs to contain organic ingredients not less than 95%, AND the organic ingredient is organic certified.

It may seem different from to put China Organic symbol on, where the product has to attain certified such first.

Additives allowed during production of organic food have been expanded (Mogroside, etc..). 

Processing aid list allowed was modified as well; for example, Immobilized Tannin was removed, L-Malic acid was included.

The new regulation specifies on cleanser, disinfectant, and sanitizer allowed to use during organic plant production, and included microbial product in disease prevention and treatment for organic meat source breeding.

Packaging material for food ingredients is also regulated, while it was only regulated the packing material for final food product. 

Saponin groups, as pesticides or antimicrobial reagent, are included in the new version as plant protector, such as tea saponin. Physical methods to protect organic plant are also listed, such as mulches and pest control traps.

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