A Study on the Legislative measures of GMOs Regulatory and Labeling System - Comparative analysis of GMOs Regulatory and Labeling System in USA, EU, Japan
Jun 02, 2021
Although the labeling system for GM food is being implemented, the labeling system is not being fully communicated to the public, or the public is consuming GM food without recognition due to poor labeling system. The most important part of GMO's labeling system is to guarantee consumers' right to know and to guarantee their choice of products. GMO labeling is needed so that products that are not general GMOs and foods that are not GM foods can be easily distinguished from consumers' perspectives. In order to do this, a complete labeling system for GMOs and GM foods is needed, which requires GMOs to be labeled unconditionally if the products are produced by mixing GMOs. The legislative measures proposed in this aspect may be effective in terms of consumers' right to know and product choice. First, oil and sugar should be included in the GMO labeling. Second, it is necessary to abolish the non-intentional mixed value standard; if it is difficult to abolish it, it is necessary to define it as at least 0.9%, the standard of the European Union. Third, GM food and processed food produced by GMO should be labeled with GMO after abolishing the non-GMO labeling system. Fourth, a history tracking system for GMO and GMO food should be established so that consumers can know the detailed history of GMO. Fifth, GMO should not be used anymore for production of processing aids. The most important part of this legislative plan is to legislate the GMO labeling system so that consumers can clearly know whether GMO is a raw material or a product produced from raw materials rather than GMO. This is because consumers can accurately recognize the product and choose the product.