Hemp seeds and hemp derived products to be regulated soon
Jul 18, 2023
The National Food Commission (CONAL in Spanish) has published a project to include hemp seeds and products derived from hemp in the Argentine Food Code.
The text is as follow:
Article 1. Replace Article 917, Chapter XI: "Plant foods", of the Argentine Food Code, which shall be worded as follows:
"Article 917: The edible seeds are the following:
Hemp - Cannabis Sativa L.
Article 2. Article 917 bis is hereby incorporated into Chapter XI: "Plant Food" of the Argentine Food Code, which shall be worded as follows: "Article 917 bis: With the denomination of hemp seeds are understood the healthy, clean and well-preserved seeds of the different varieties of the vegetable species Cannabis Sativa L. that do not express more than 1% of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), authorized by the competent authority for food use.
For further information (in Spanish), click on the Link
Check the full text of the documents (in Spanish), click on the Link