Table of reference amounts for food updated
Nov 25, 2022
Health Canada has amended the Table of Reference Amounts for Food on November 24, 2022, based on new consumption data and market trends, and to address identified gaps in certain food categories. Manufacturers will have until January 1, 2026 to comply with the updated Table of Reference Amounts for Food.
The Table of Reference Amounts for Food sets out reference amounts for different food categories, which:
- Represent the amount of food typically consumed in one eating occasion;
- Are used to determine what is considered to be a single-serving prepackaged product;
- Serve as the basis for determining the serving size to be declared in the nutrition facts table (NFt) of multiple-serving prepackaged products;
- Serve as part of the criteria for making nutrient content claims and health claims; and
- Factor into the requirements for the new front-of-package nutrition symbol.
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