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Regulating the Market of Food Additives: World and Domestic Experience

Apr 04, 2021

The paper analyzes the domestic and foreign market of food additives and the risks associated with dietary supplements. Using research materials by world companies, the authors describe the main directions for regulating this market in developed countries. Nutritional supplements are located between food and pharmaceutical products. They are designed to treat acute malnutrition or specific dietary problems. The main share of food additives is distributed through pharmacies. Only one-third is provided through direct sales and other channels. The content of food additives must be strictly regulated at the state level and meet the standards of composition, purity, and safety. The international regulation of the food additives market is based on compliance with the Codex Alimentarius International Food Regulations (a set of averages). In some countries, the principle is established by national standards and laws. The purpose of the regulation is to distribute food additives that meet market standards and avoid significant risks (quality problems, health problems, climate change, and unethical behavior). The production and sale of food additives require strict control over product labeling, analysis of the composition, warning of side effects (prohibition of use), effectiveness (utility), and distribution channels.

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