Modification to the list of permitted additives in Honey Wine
Sep 26, 2022
Health Canada's Food Directorate completed a premarket safety assessment of a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of malic acid in honey wine including honey wine to which fruits are added, and mead.
Malic acid is already permitted for use in Canada as a pH adjusting agent in various food categories, including 'grape' wine and unstandardized foods (such as mead, and honey wine with added fruits) at a maximum level of use consistent with Good Manufacturing Practice.
The results of the premarket assessment support the safety of malic acid for its requested use in honey wine. Consequently, Health Canada has enabled the use of malic acid described in the information document below by modifying the List of Permitted pH Adjusting Agents, Acid-Reacting Materials and Water Correcting Agents, effective September 23, 2022.
For further information (in English), click on the Link