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Amendment to the list of permitted food additives


Jul 25, 2022

The purpose of this notice is to inform Canadians, regulated parties and other stakeholders of Health Canada’s intent, as a consequence of the regulatory framework for the sale of supplemented foods in Canada, to modify the List of Permitted Food Additives with Other Accepted Uses as it relates caffeine and caffeine citrate.

Health Canada published the Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations and the Cannabis Regulations (Supplemented Foods) in the Canada Gazette, Part II creating a regulatory framework for the sale of supplemented foods in Canada. Under the Supplemented Foods regulations, the addition of caffeine or caffeine citrate to foods other than carbonated beverages, or to carbonated beverages at levels greater than 150 parts per million (ppm), will be managed as a supplemental ingredient, not as a food additive. Consequently, it is Health Canada’s intention to lower the level of caffeine and caffeine citrate permitted in cola-type beverages from 200 ppm to 150 ppm.


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