Global perspective on food fraud with special emphasis on the prevalence of food fraud practices and policies in Pakistan
Jan 05, 2023

Food supply chains worldwide are under threat from food adulteration and food fraud during various stages of production and storage, and the incidence of such fraudulent practices has been increasing. Many food regulatory authorities have been established over the years on either side of the globe, contributing to food safety and the creation of awareness regarding food frauds. One of the world's most populous countries, Pakistan is home to a multicultural and multiethnic society, and the people across the country consume a variety of processed and non-processed foods. In this regard, multiple food safety and food quality control standards are in place, aimed at alleviation of food fraud, and production and provision of safe food in Pakistan. Moreover, many regulatory bodies such as the Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority, apart from providing food consultation, testing, and certification services, are working to regulate and enforce quality standards, ensuring safe food production and distribution, and correct labeling. At the provincial level, regulatory bodies are actively working to achieve similar objectives, and their portfolio includes inspections of food establishments throughout their respective jurisdictions and the imposition of penalties for violations.