Controls applied to imported food and feed of non-animal origin
Apr 19, 2022
Consultation on proposed routine amendments to Retained Regulation 2019/1793 which applies a temporary increase of official controls and special conditions governing the entry into Great Britain of certain food and feed of non-animal origin from certain countries.
The FSA in England and Wales and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) in Scotland have carried out a joint review of the Annexes contained in the legislation. This is the first such review since the UK departed the EU and this consultation is to seek views on our proposed amendments to the Regulation. Amending the current controls will require a Statutory Instrument to be laid in each country.
This review is delivered through the joint FSA and Food Standard Scotland (FSS) risk analysis process so that Ministers can make risk management decisions based on the FSA/FSS recommendations.
It should be noted that decisions and changes to controls of imported food and feed from third countries will only apply to Great Britain (GB) and not Northern Ireland due to the supremacy of EU food and feed law in Northern Ireland under the Northern Ireland Protocol
For further information (in English), click on the Link
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