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Ministry of Agriculture amends several food decrees

Czech Republic

Dec 16, 2024

The Ministry of Agriculture (MZe) is preparing a package of decrees on food.

  • It proposes as a new obligation to indicate on the label all countries of origin of honey mixtures or the possibility of using natural sweeteners other than sugar in the production of syrup. It will also be possible to use the designation jam or marmalade or to store eggs at a temperature of between 5°C and 24°C, as opposed to the previous upper limit of 18°C.

“The is the change in terms of jams and marmalades. Originally, the name jam could only be used for products made from citrus fruits, the name marmalade applied to a mixture of natural sweeteners, the pulp or pulp of one or more types of fruit. However, the new directive allows the name jam to be used for marmalade as well. This is stated in the decree on requirements for canned fruit”.

  • Incorporate the European Breakfast Guidelines.
  • Draft Decree on requirements for beverages, fermented vinegar and yeast will introduce some new definitions for fruit juices, concentrated fruit juices and coconut water. In the case of syrup, not only sugars but also other natural sweeteners will have to be used for its preparation.
  • Draft Decree on the requirements for meat, meat products and fishery products, its specific characteristics are determined for some meat, meat and fishery products (e.g. in the case of sardines or sardines). Products may only be marked with these names on a voluntary basis if they meet the specified requirements. Quality requirements for the meat content of durable meat products will also be specified.


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