FSANZ published proposal on Australian wine production
Dec 12, 2023
The Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has published the "Proposal P253 - Wine Production (Australia Only)". The intent of the Proposal is to carry over the effect of the production provisions for wine made in Australia, which are currently contained in Volume 1 of the Food Standards Code, in an Australia-only standard. The new Standard 4.1.1 – Wine Production Requirements (Australia only), will be in a new Chapter (Chapter 4) of Volume 2 of the Food Standards Code, which will accommodate standards regulating primary production and processing as they are developed.
The minimally prescriptive joint Standard on wine developed during the review, i.e., Standard 2.7.4 – Wine and Wine Product, in Chapter 2 of Volume 2 of the Food Standards Code will remain the compliance standard for wine made in New Zealand and for wine imported into Australia and New Zealand.
For further information (in English), click on the Link
Check the full text of the documents (in English), click on the Link