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TTB adds standards of fill for wine and distilled spirits


Jan 16, 2025

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade  Bureau  (TTB)  adds new standards of fill for wine and distilled spirits; eliminates distinction between standards of fill for distilled spirits in cans and other types of containers.

This final rule amends the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) regulations that govern wine and distilled spirits containers to add 13 standards of fill for wine and 15 for distilled spirits. TTB is also amending its regulations to eliminate the distinction between standards of fill for distilled spirits in cans and those for distilled spirits in containers other than cans. TTB had also

proposed to generally eliminate the standards of fill for wine and distilled spirits, as an alternative to approving specific new standards of fill. Upon careful consideration of comments received, however, TTB is not adopting that proposal at this time. The amendments described in this final rule respond to industry member requests for additional flexibility to use a wider range of container sizes and are expected to facilitate the movement of goods in domestic andinternational commerce while also providing consumers broader purchasing options.


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