List of Contaminants under Review
Nov 13, 2023
Health Canada's Food Directorate is proposing changes to the List of contaminants and other adulterating substances in foods, as part of the Department's modernization of Part B of the Food and Drug Regulations.
The proposed revisions reflect the addition of a new, non-regulatory column added to Part 1 and Part 2 of the list, used to provide administrative information about the contaminants or the adulterating substances entries. Provisions in Divisions 7 and 9 that prohibit the sale of a dressing or certain fats and oils that contain more than 5% of the contaminant C22 Monoenoic Fatty Acid, and one provision in Division 25 that prohibits the sale or advertisement for sale of an infant formula that contains more than 1 kilocalorie from C22 Monoenoic Fatty Acid, would be repealed from the Regulations and the maximum levels would be moved to the List of contaminants and other adulterating substances in foods which is incorporated by reference under Division 15 of the FDR on an ambulatory basis.
For further information (in English), click on the Link