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Mar 01, 2020

UK manufacturers and traders in CBD products are informed to act upon the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) instructions before the given deadline or otherwise risk their products to be taken from the market. The FSA demands sellers of CBD products to share information about the products they have in the market before 31 March 2021.

Following a request on the novel food status of CBD, the Commission updated the novel food Catalogue last year indicating there is no proven safe history of use of the Cannabis derivatives before 15 May 1997. The commercialization of CBD products therefore requires novel food authorization, including a thorough safety assessment by the EFSA. This came as a blow to the booming CBD industry, considering the large amount and popularity of CBD products available on the market.

The UK FSA compromises on the impact of this development by providing traders in CBD products the opportunity to submit a novel food authorization in order to legalize their products. Business are given until 31 March 2021 to take the appropriate steps. Till that date CBD products may remain on the market provided they are safe for consumption, meet labelling requirements and do not contain pharmacologic substances (particularly THC in the given case).

In addition, the FSA advises that pregnant of breastfeeding women as well as people taking medication should abstain from the consumption of CBD products. It also advises to limit the intake to maximum 70mg a day.

UK FSA - Food Standards Agency sets deadline for the CBD industry and provides safety advice to consumers - link

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