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In force rule on residues of veterinary drugs in food


Jan 31, 2020

The National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) published the Resolution of the Collegiate Board of Directors (RDC) No. 328/2019, which deals with the evaluation of the risk to human health of veterinary drugs and the methods of analysis for evaluation purposes of conformity. At the same time, Normative Instruction (NI) 51/2019 was published, which establishes the list of maximum residue limits, acceptable daily intake and acute reference dose for active pharmaceutical ingredients of veterinary drugs in animal foods.

As of RDC 328/2019, three resolutions were repealed. They are: RDC 4/2001 (technical regulation of the glossary of terms and definitions for residues of veterinary drugs); RDC 5/2001 (technical regulation for sampling methods for control programs of residues of veterinary drugs in food of animal origin); and RDC 53/2012 (Mercosur technical regulation).

Check the full text of the documents (in Portuguese), click on the Link

Check the full text of the documents (in Portuguese), click on the:

Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada - RDC nº 328 de 18/12/2019

Instrução Normativa - IN nº 51 de 18/12/2019

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