Authorities and associations join forces against fraud in food supplements
Oct 21, 2024
Recently, the National Anti-Piracy Council (CNCP in Portuguese) of the National Secretariat of Consumer Affairs (SENACON in Portuguese) convened a meeting with the new board of directors of the Federal Nutrition Council (CFN in Portuguese) and the Brazilian Association of Nutritional Products Companies (Abenutri in Portuguese) to request information and identify adulterated nutritional supplements.
During the meeting, SENACON shared a recent analysis where irregularities were detected in the market, mainly related to creatine supplements.
The sale of adulterated products represents a serious threat to public health and consumer rights. “SENACON is committed to ensure that these supplements, already identified with irregularities, are withdrawn from the sales platforms,” guaranteed the executive secretary of the CNCP, Andrey Correa.
According to him, the collaboration between CFN and Abenutri will give more strength to the consumer protection actions that will be taken from the analysis of the data submitted by the entities to ENACON. The secretariat will notify digital platforms and vendors selling adulterated supplements to request clarifications.
For further information (in Portuguese), click on the Link