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New cell-cultured product program receives government support


Oct 14, 2024

The Food Standards Agency  (FSA) is launching a new sandbox programme to better understand cell-cultivated products (CCPs) and ensure CCP products are safe to consume before they go on sale to the public.

CCPs are new foods made without using traditional farming methods such as rearing livestock or growing plants and grains. Using science and technology, cells from plants or animals are grown in a controlled environment to make a food product. 

The sandbox programme will allow us to recruit a new team to work across the FSA and FSS. They will gather rigorous scientific evidence on CCPs and the technology used to make them. This information will enable us to make well-informed and more timely science and evidence-based recommendations about product safety and address questions that must be answered before any CCPs can enter the market. It will also allow us to better guide companies on how to make products in a safe way and how to demonstrate this to us.


For further information (in English), click on the Link

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