FSANZ to approve D-allulose as a novel food
Aug 23, 2024
The Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has published approval report on A1247 D-allulose as a novel food; Supporting Document 1 Risk and technical assessment Application A1247 – D-allulose as a novel food. FSANZ has assessed an application to amend the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code to permit the sale of D-allulose from enzymatic conversion of fructose by D-psicose 3-epimerase contained in Microbacterium foliorum as a novel food in Australia and New Zealand. The aspects of this application that are relevant to the TBT Committee are to amend the Code to:
- Permit D-allulose in certain foods to maximum permitted levels. For details, refer to Attachment 1 in the Approval Report (refer to the link provided in 11 below).
- Include an energy factor of 2 kj/g for D-allulose for nutrition information labelling purposes;
- Require the label of a food containing D-allulose to carry an advisory statement about the risk of a laxative effect from high intakes of some food classes.
- Permit foods containing D-allulose to make nutrition content claims about sugars including no added sugar(s), provided existing claim conditions are met.
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