Moringa Oleifera under review as a new food in Australia and New Zealand
Apr 12, 2024
The Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has issued Notice 287-24 (Application A1294). The purpose of this application is to amend Schedule 25-2 to clause 3 (a) of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code Standard 1.5.1 Novel Foods, to permit the introduction of Moringa Oleifera leaf (fresh and dried), immature (green) pods and seed oil as a food in Australia and New Zealand. Moringa Oleifera leaf (fresh and dried), immature (green) pods and seed oil are intended to be used a nutritional food source.
Although Moringa Oleifera has been recognised as a food in other jurisdictions for many years and is freely available to purchase in Australia, it remains classified under Standard 1.5.1 of the Code as a non-traditional and novel food. Accordingly, the application seeks to amend the Code to permit the introduction of Moringa Oleifera as food.
For further information (in English), click on the Link