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Oct 01, 2019

The EFSA Panel concludes that a Sodium intake of 2 grams per day is the adequate intake for the general adult population, while for Chloride the adequate intake for adults is considered to be 3.1 grams per day. The given levels of both nutrients corelate since they are obtained from Salt (Sodium Chloride) as the main dietary source.

The Panel further determines the individual adequate intakes of Chloride and Sodium for different age groups.

Taking into account the adverse health effects of high sodium intakes, such as high blood pressure and hypertension, the risk of stroke, cardiovascular diseases and coronary hearth disease, the intake of sodium should remain sufficiently low. At the given level of 2 grams of Sodium per day the risk of cardiovascular disease is low, while at the same time the physiological sodium balance is maintained. The Panel elaborates that current median intakes by the general European population are above the safe and adequate level of sodium. Therefore the set reference values can serve for further public health initiatives on the reduction of Sodium intakes.

EFSA, Dietary reference values for sodium - link

EFSA, Dietary reference values for chloride - link

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