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Probiotics-based Foods and Beverages as Future Foods and their Overall Safety and Regulatory Claims

Feb 02, 2021

The increasing research on science and innovation has shifted consumer awareness from conventional to functional foods that are more nutritious and healthier. The ideation of functional food is based on the addition of probiotics that promote cognitive response, improved immune system, and general wellbeing. At a time when there is no established therapy for global pandemic SARS-CoV-2 causing infectious viral disease COVID-19, alternative food and nutritional interventions through diet are studied like never before to limit the infection. Probiotics are live microorganisms that have the potential to modulate the human immune system and prevent such infection, which is why several safety issues during its administration must be addressed. While at the same time, it is necessary to update, reform, and tighten the policies and regulations for the food manufacturers dealing with such functional foods to protect consumers from false and misleading claims. This review paper attempts to extensively provide insights into safety and regulatory considerations for probiotic-based foods and beverages.

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