FDA Guidance on issuing import permits for "Samples Only" or prepackaged processed food intended for research and development
May 14, 2024
The Food and Drug Administration has published Guidelines on the issuance of FDA import permit as "Samples Only" or prepackaged processed food intended for research and development.
The scope covers all Food Business Operators (FBOs) with License to Operate (LTO) as Food Manufacturer/Importer, Food Trader/Importer, Food Distributor/Importer that engage in the importation of food samples to be used for research and development purposes (e.g., plant/production trial, sensory evaluation and quality assurance purposes within the premises of food establishment and its employees) or testing of unregistered imported processed food products, food trade fairs and exhibitions and for donation.
For further information (in English), click on the Link
Check the full text of the documents (in English), click on the Link