The first ever Codex Trust Fund group project closes with ambitious plans for future collaboration
Aug 28, 2023
On 15 and 16 August, delegates from Bhutan, India and Nepal (BIN) met in the Bhutanese capital Thimphu for the ‘Terminal Meeting’ of the first ever Codex Trust Fund (CTF) group project. Attendees at the meeting lauded the project as a great success and were clear that rather than marking the end of the BIN collaboration, this was a pivotal moment where the three countries could look forward to consolidating what they have learned and building on what they have gained from their 3-year joint undertaking.
Achievements under the project were significant. All countries were able to report that their national Codex structures are now more robust than before the project started. Key project activities included a visit to Bhutan by an Indian delegation that provided training on improved import/export inspection and certification systems, which helped to improve Codex Bhutan’s understanding of and participation in the Codex Committee on Food Inspection and Certification Systems (CCFICS). Delegates from Bhutan and Nepal visited India for training on effective management of Codex work, which included insights into producing an effective and workable procedural manual. The Bhutan Codex Committee successfully updated its procedural manual as a result.
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