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Amendments to the Regulation on the inspection for imported food products

South Korea

Mar 10, 2023

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) proposed amendments to the Regulation on Inspection of Imported Food. Stakeholders can send suggestions to MFDS before May 1, 2023.

The main proposed amendment seeks to:

  1. Improve the inspection procedures, etc., for the  agricultural  products  that  are
  2. imported in bulk shipments.
  3. Establish the application process for the expedited approval of the notification on the raw materials that  are  used  for  self -manufacturing  purposes  (food  additive  flavoring,  raw materials for refining/processing).
  4. Stipulate the processing procedure for cases where re-declaration for importation is notified after voluntary withdrawal (or return by the MFDS) for random sampling test;
  5. Revise the name and adjust the items for the agricultural products that may be used for purposes other than as food products;
  6. Adjust the number of pesticides that are test items for  the  laboratory  inspections
  7. conducted on the newly  imported  agricultural  products  by  reflecting  the  non-compliance records, etc.;
  8. Adjust the list of food products,  etc.,  that  the  Minister  of  Food  and  Drug  Safety  recognizes as safe by reflecting the non- compliance records.


For further information (in Korean), click on the Link

Check the full text of the documents (in Korean), click on the  Link

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