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Coconut water requirements amendment published


Aug 04, 2021

Reference is drawn from FSS (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Tenth Amendment Regulations, 2020 dated 29.12.2020, wherein the note for coconut under the  regulation 23.6 (4) says that "the product "coconut water" is obtained from the tender coconut without expressing the coconut meat". The date of implementation of the said regulation mentioned as 1 st July, 2021.

However, representations were received from various stake holders stating that both the tender and matured coconuts are used for processing coconut water and the difference being just based on the maturity. Hence the source of coconut water shall be from mature coconut  or a blend of tender and mature coconut which could meet the standards specified for the "Coconut Water" as per the regulation 2.3.6 (4). 3.    After due consideration, it has been decided to change the note (mentioned at para 1 above) as "The product "coconut water" which is obtained from coconut without expressing the  coconut meat" to address the concern.

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