Partially Amends Maximum Residue Limits of Food Contaminants
May 04, 2020
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)(åçå´åç) of Japan has publieshed the "Partial Amendment of Specifications And Standards for Foods, Food additives, etc. (MHLW Notification No. 194 of 2020)" and "(MHLW Notification No. 0423 No. 1 of 2020"
Among others, new maximum residue levels have been set for the following pesticides and veterinary drugs:
Setxijim (herbicide) â new reference values for barley, rye, corn, soybean etc.
Diazinon (veterinary drug) â changed limits for edible parts of animals, milk, other poultry muscles, other poultry fat, other poultry livers, other poultry kidneys etc.
Bifentrine (pesticide) - rye, buckwheat noodles, and other cereals, rough, and radishes (including radishes)
Buprofezin (pesticide): new limit for wheat, corn, soybean, potato, horseradish etc.
For further information (in English), click on the Link
"Story Supplied courtesy of Selerant".