Pilot test of the NOURISHING policy index—Assessing governmental nutrition policies in five European countries
European Union
Jan 20, 2023

The NOURISHING database is a repository of more than 1000 verified nutrition and diet-related governmental policy actions currently in effect globally. The database is a unique and rich data source on governmental policy actions with a potential for developing tools that capture the overall policy efforts in a country, identify policy gaps, and enable cross-national comparisons. Policy actions from a sample of five European countries have been benchmarked against aspirational standards using the NOURISHING benchmarking tool. This paper presents the results of the pilot testing from the benchmarking process for the construction of the NOURISHING policy index. The development of the index was guided by existing tools for developing composite indicators. The findings from the pilot test indicate that the NOURISHING policy index can identify both policy gaps and cross-national policy differences. These results demonstrate that the policy index merits testing on a larger sample to identify potential refinements.