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Ministerial Commission for Food Management created


Nov 11, 2021

The Interministerial Commission for Food Regulation (CIOA) is a collegiate body to coordinate and harmonize the regulation of food legislation. Their reports are mandatory in technical, health, marketing and consumer protection aspects in the field of food management. The CIOA is attached to the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition.

The functions of the CIOA include the following:

  • Establish the basic concepts and harmonizing criteria of the normative provisions referring to the food field.
  • Report, with a mandatory character, the general provisions referring to the field of food management.
  • Formulate as many motions, proposals or recommendations as it deems appropriate in food matters.
  • Maintain updated national and international documentation and information regarding the food sector.
  • Carry out the tasks of study, coordination and advice required by matters related to food management submitted for their consideration or on their own initiative.


For further information (in Spanish), click on the Link

Check the full text of the documents (in Spanish), click on the  Link

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