Ministry of Health proposes resolution on classification of drinking water as natural mineral water
Jan 23, 2025
Ministry of Health has published Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of the Procedure for Classifying Drinking Water as Natural Mineral Water".
The draft Resolution provides for the establishment of requirements for classifying drinking water as natural mineral water and to align Ukrainian legislation with the European Union law.
The Procedure approved by the draft Resolution will define the mechanism for the Ministry of Health to classify drinking water as natural mineral water and will apply to drinking water extracted in Ukraine or other countries.
This Procedure will not apply to: 1) waters that are medicinal products under the Law of Ukraine "On Medicines"; 2) waters that are other types of drinking water, apart from natural mineral waters and spring waters, including those consumed by people at the place of extraction and/or at the location of the natural surface spring; 3) natural mineral waters used for therapeutic purposes in thermal, hydro-mineral, or other similar institutions.
For further information (in Ukrainian), click on the Link