Modification to the list of permitted food enzymes
Mar 09, 2023
Health Canada's Food Directorate completed a premarket safety assessment of a food additive submission seeking authorization for the use of transglutaminase from Streptomyces mobaraensis M2020197 in various foods.
Transglutaminase from another source is already permitted for use in Canada in a number of the foods requested by the petitioner. Prior to this Notice, S. mobaraensis M2020197 was not a permitted source for any food enzyme in Canada.
The results of the premarket assessment support the safety of transglutaminase from S. mobaraensis M2020197 for its requested uses. Consequently, Health Canada has enabled the use of transglutaminase from this source as described in the information document below by modifying the List of Permitted Food Enzymes, effective March 2, 2023.
For further information (in English), click on the Link