Revised Food Labeling Act (food recall system) to be enforced soon
Jun 30, 2021
The "Law to partially amend the Food Labeling Act" promulgated on December 14, 2018, will come into effect on June 1, 2021. The main points of the amendment are as follows. Foods sold without "Labeling according to Food Labeling Standards regarding Definitions set by the Cabinet Office Ordinance of Article 6, Paragraph 8" are the subjects of the voluntary recall. "Definitions set by the Cabinet Office Ordinance of Article 6, Paragraph 8" means labeling related safety such as indications that Allergens or L-Phenylalanine chemical compounds are present/contained, Used By/Expiration date, or whether or not the food needs to be heated, and if some of them are missing, or incorrect, they are subject to the voluntary recall.
For further information (in English), click on the Link
"Story Supplied courtesy of Labelbank".